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The Breakthrough SystemYes, Tony, I'm ready to Breakthrough!$37

What's inside the Breakthrough System?

The three forces that power all human emotion. As a coach, it’s not enough to be present with what a friend or client is feeling – you need to understand why they feel that way.

The Triad - This is one of Tony’s most powerful tools for getting inside a person’s head and understanding how they see the world. (Most folks don’t notice, but he uses this strategy in almost every intervention.)

An important (possibly the most important) principle of transformation – and why understanding this fundamental truth is vital for anyone who wants to help their friends and loved ones.

The 7 steps Tony uses to help his clients break out of the “Crazy Eight” - It’s one of the most common and destructive patterns Tony sees in his interventions.) This is the secret to creating lasting change.

How to win people over and get them to trust you quickly – to the point where they’re willing to share intimate information and talk about issues that are extremely personal.

The six fundamental human needs – and how they relate to different life stages, and, in some cases, cause people to get stuck in a “Crazy Eight” pattern for years, sometimes even decades.

And a lot more!

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  • 1xTBS: The Breakthrough System$37

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